Rating calculations
Here's an explanation of how our rating system works.
The rating scale goes from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).
Naturo/Homeopath rating questionnaire
Reliability: Willingness to provide prompt and honest service
* Included in the calculation of the overall rating
- [ 1 ] Always late and unreliable
- [ 2 ] Usually late
- [ 3 ] Somewhat reliable
- [ 4 ] Usually reliable
- [ 5 ] Always punctual and trustworthy
Helpfulness: Caring indiviualized attention the practicioner provides
* Included in the calculation of the overall rating
- [ 1 ] Unhelpful and inconsiderate
- [ 2 ] Unhelpful
- [ 3 ] Somewhat helpful
- [ 4 ] Usually helpful
- [ 5 ] Friendly and helpful
Knowledge: Efficient and correct diagnosis and treatment
* Included in the calculation of the overall rating
- [ 1 ] Uninformed
- [ 2 ] Somehow knowledgeable
- [ 3 ] Satisfactory
- [ 4 ] Knowledgeable
- [ 5 ] Very knowledgeable
Quality of Service: Ability to perform the promised service
* Included in the calculation of the overall rating
- [ 1 ] Very poor
- [ 2 ] Satisfactory
- [ 3 ] Good
- [ 4 ] Very good
- [ 5 ] Excellent
Clinic rating questionnaire
* Included in the calculation of the overall rating
- [ 1 ] Antique
- [ 2 ] Needs some updating
- [ 3 ] Relatively modern
- [ 4 ] Up-to-date
- [ 5 ] State of the art
Facility: The office enviroment
* Included in the calculation of the overall rating
- [ 1 ] Unhygenic and hostile
- [ 2 ] Satisfactory
- [ 3 ] Well maintained
- [ 4 ] Clean and comfortable
- [ 5 ] Spotless and delightfull
Personnel: Staff working with the practicioner
* Included in the calculation of the overall rating
- [ 1 ] Unhelpful & inconsiderate
- [ 2 ] Rarely helpful
- [ 3 ] Somewhat helpful
- [ 4 ] Mostly helpful
- [ 5 ] Very helpful
Rating scheme
We use the following scheme to convert the number scale into descriptive ratings:
4.75 – 5.00
4.25 – 4.75
3.75 – 4.25
Very good
3.25 – 3.75
2.75 – 3.25
Not bad
2.25 – 2.75
1.75 – 2.25
Very bad
1.25 – 1.75
Extremely bad
Not rated yet
All data on this website is collected from public sources.
Our data reflects the most accurate information available at the time of publication.